It's 5 am, Dan's sleeping and I'm WIDE AWAKE! In 4 hours, we will be meeting with everyone and signing the papers for our new home! :) We are both very excited!
Last night we did a walk through of the house. We were supposed to look and make sure the owners did everything they were supposed to do from the Inspector's report. They did everything we wanted them to do, except take out a fan in the basement bathroom (which annoyed me a little bit). The second bathroom has a fan vent that leads to nowhere, since there is a window, the fan vent is not needed. They had a little over a month and a half to get it fixed. They said they will give the electrician a check to get it fixed after settlement. Other than that, and a few rooms we need to paint, the house is fine.
I can't wait to get our things in there! We start tomorrow afternoon. My dad and brother are coming in on Saturday morning to help move the rest of our stuff!
I can't believe we are finally going to be home owners! It's so exciting and scary! We are finally adults! LOL! And I have the wonderful job of decorating our home! All we need left is a dog........................................and a child! :)